Saturday, August 22, 2015

Scent of June

Born in Romania in 1902, as Juliet Edith Smerth (those two names sound so good, don't they?), grew up in USA and became a dancer at the age of 15. From then she was calling herself June Mansfield (another good name-shot, right?). While being 21, she met Henry Miller, ten years older controversial writer , who she married soon. Their relationship was a main subject of Miller's trilogy Rosy Crucifiction. 

June was often involved in threesomes and other complicated realtionships, as she was bisexual. While her marriage with Miller ended because of Anais Nin, she married again until her second husband left her. She was diagnosed with some psychiatric problems and treated with electric shock treatments, althought psychiatric diagnoses these days were rarely accurate. 

Why am I telling this story? Because of same reason everything here is posted - I find June inspiring as a woman, as a style icon, as an artist, who never spread her wings. And because of Uma's Thurman interpretation of June. We don't know much about real June and I pity that, because for me she might have been a strong, passionate character. But knowing so little, we can imagine. And I do imagine. And I do feel connection.

A startingly white face, burning eyes. June Mansfield, Henry's wife. As she came towards me from the darkness of my garden into the light of the doorway I saw for the first time the most beautiful woman on earth.
Anais Nin

Uma Thurman's June is tragic and cruel, fragile and strong, passionate, wild and easy to hurt.Sounds familiar to me. Very familiar.

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