Saturday, October 11, 2014

It's all about the Girls again

________________________________________________________________________________SSome whatever thoughts of saturday's night...

I loved  Shoshana in S03e02 of Girls (shitty season, but anyway...)

It's October. How did it happen, really? I eat too much sweets and have too much to do. I want to go for a party and wear lot of makeup and sequins, or maybe a witch costume.

I really wish that in my country Halloween was more celebrated. Unfortunately it is day before our All Saints Day and we usually travel to visit the grave of our relatives and there is no time to have fun with the best day in year (in my opinion).

Oh, talking about Shoshana from Girls:

Hannah: I'm bored.
Adam: And you, are you bored too, Shosh?
Shoshana: I'm never bored until there is Halloween in this world!

I wish I have something on my own for real. And be certain of things like money, home or... furniture.

Some dating with butterflies in my stomach would always be nice...

But when I need to forget about things and just be content, I would play this:

Is this post all about Girls, or am I just freaking out?

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