Sunday, August 10, 2014

Jorge's place

I have just moved to another room, while staying at home for two weeks time and those experience of changing places make me long for shelter.
As being in my 20ties i don't know a day and the hour of another flat change, I try to find some stability in other people lives.

Once for a while I will post here rooms I have feelings for, usually found on this London-based blog.
Online visit to someone's private shelters via whatsinyourbedroom.

Jorge, East London

What I like about this room?

- wide window sill 
-  simple and peaceful view
- pictures and photographs gathered together, not boringly displayed
- decluttered space, simple furniture, feels like home
- corner for the soul and spirituality
- a little amount of books (which I don't understand, lots of books should be everywhere!), but I think they are just carefully chosen as best friends

What do you think?


  1. I do hope you find some stability very soon - and I agree with lots of books, my family read more than I do, but I will always want access to literature for them all x x x

  2. Wiele osób chowa część książek i wymienia na półkach, gdy czyta. Po prostu warto część umieścić tam, gdzie nie ma kurzu^^

    Fajny pokoik (mieszkanie), jestem zdziwiona, że jest męski, nie pomyślałabym. Jasno, ale sporo kolorowych dodatków. Ustawiłabym inaczej meble, ale ja ciągle coś przestawiam. Podobają mi się oparte o ścianę, a nie powieszone obrazy i zdjęcia.
